Our society is located on the land of the Traditional Owners, the Dja Dja Wurrung people of the Kulin Nations.
We acknowledge their history, culture and Elders both past and present.

Family History
We can search our records for information on your family. Many of our records, most of which have not been digitized, are not found elsewhere.
Look at our List Of Holdings to see if we may have information that you are looking for.
We can do the research for you and/or may be able to put in you contact with other descendants and advise you of other material available and how to find it.
For more details please please go here.
Property History
If you have purchased an old property in Malmsbury, or have a photo (or records) of an ancestor's property that you would like to know more about, we can use our records to construct a Property History.
Do you need heritage information for a VCAT application?
Look at our List Of Holdings to see if we may have information that you are looking for.
The report is based on rate books, parish maps, land records, newspapers and our knowledge of our local history.
We can also suggest where you may find further information.
For more details please please go here.
Subject History
Is your area of interest related more to a subject than a name or place?
Are you interested in mining history, railways, police, weeds, environment, wildlife etc.?
Look at our List Of Holdings to see if we may have information that you are looking for.
Our process of indexing our records includes a broad range of keywords to suit a wide range of interests.
While we can create a subject report for you, this sort of research is often best done in person. Let our experienced researchers guide you through our collection to see if we have the sort of information you are looking for, or if we know where else you can find it.
Hall Hire
We hire out the hall in the Malmsbury Mechanics Institute to community groups, individuals and other interested parties for both regular and one-off booking. The MHS complies with MRSC's policy on single use plastics.
Please contact us to discuss your needs and make a booking. Contact information is available here.
We make our colour photocopying machine available to the local community for small to medium sized print jobs. Please contact us to discuss your needs and arrange access. Contact information is available here.